Preschool 3

Children Per Classroom
Teacher & Assistant
Minimum Age

The Curious! Children are fast learners and are engaged in understanding their world in their own way. Nelly’s Childcare & Preschool program includes fun and learning activities that will help them understand their surroundings in a nurturing and caring environment.

We realize that children are constantly active and eager to learn new things. Therefore, our program has been designed to not only respect your child’s individuality, but also expand their minds with new activities, games, and technology that can promote their cognitive development. Children are introduced to a variety of activities and concepts in an effort to enhance their creative minds and cognitive development during the Pre-Kindergarten program. Nelly’s Childcare & Preschool focuses on positive learning habits that stimulate, guide and challenge your child. This process will create confident individuals that have the necessary skills to have a good transition into TK or Kindergarten.

Our Goals:

  • Classify object according to size, shape and colors
  • Recognize shapes
  • Recognize simple patterns and repeat them
  • Understand concepts such as how many, more/less, big/little, short/tall
  • Start counting mechanically to 100
  • Know number relationship to 20
  • Can add and subtract to 20
  • Understand temporal sequences
  • Know alphabet and sounds
  • Begin pre-reading and pre-writing
  • Participate in physical group activities
  • Recreate demonstrated rhythms, beats and tempos
  • Move rhythmically and creatively
  • Complete activities such as lacing and beading
  • Work with more complex puzzles and toys
  • Participates in art activities such as drawing and clay modeling
  • Can throw and kick balls with better accuracy
  • Can balance body on one leg
  • Can use pincer grip for most writing activities
  • Can write and cut within guides
  • Follow directions given to a group and/or individual
  • Show interest in stories and books
  • Tell story events in sequence
  • Make predictions in a story
  • Make meaningful connections between a story and their life
  • Have memory for events and information
  • Begin to recognize combinations of sounds
  • Can form more complex sentences to convey feelings and wants
  • Share and take turns with materials without adult intervention
  • Establish rules and routines
  • Have respect for the property of others
  • Clearly express feelings and ideas to adults and classmates
  • Interact with classmates cooperatively